Lessons from the Lab

Azoki. A Lifestyle Learning Lab
Every Breath You Take . . .
Every Breath You Take . . . Feb 22, 2024

Dud you know that we take 20,000 breaths each day? 

I calculated my breaths just this morning.  My Oura rings says I breathe about 14 breaths per minute . . probably you breathe somewhat...

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Azoki. A Lifestyle Learning Lab
The Heart v. The Brain
The Heart v. The Brain health coaching heartmath lifestyle medicine stress management Feb 15, 2024

So the big question for this Valentine blogpost is ‘Which is more important:  the heart or the brain?’

Hmmm. . . while we might feel a bit traitorous denying the heart’s...

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Azoki. A Lifestyle Learning Lab
The What, Why, and How of Hydration . . .
The What, Why, and How of Hydration . . . Feb 08, 2024


Hydration is the key to good health.

Dr. Andrew Weil

We’ve all heard that we should drink more water but what exactly does water do for us?   How does it impact our health and...

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Azoki. A Lifestyle Learning Lab
How Healthcare is Changing . . . and What It Will Mean For Us (Part II)
How Healthcare is Changing . . . and What It Will Mean For Us (Part II) Feb 01, 2024

About eighteen months ago, on 27 June 2022, the Dubai Health Authority’s (DHA’s) Health Insurance Corporation hosted an event to celebrate the launch of EJADAH, a first-of-its-kind...

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Azoki. A Lifestyle Learning Lab
How Healthcare is Changing . . . and What It Will Mean For Us (Part I)
How Healthcare is Changing . . . and What It Will Mean For Us (Part I) lifestyle medicine value based care Jan 25, 2024

According to the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, US healthcare expenditures in 2022 totalled some $4.5 trillion dollars, or almost 17% of US GDP.  Incredibly, Americans are devoting...

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Azoki. A Lifestyle Learning Lab
How Heavy is Your Toxic Load?
How Heavy is Your Toxic Load? Jan 18, 2024

Just over a week ago, on 10 January 2024, the journal Environmental Health Perspectives published a research study conducted by the Silent Spring Institute in which researchers identified almost...

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The Biggest Health Aspiration for 2024 Jan 11, 2024

There is no question that the BIG worry of our physicians and health care practitioners today is metabolic health. 

Why?  You might ask.

Because it’s incredibly important and hardly...

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The Lavender Journey: From Harvest to Healing. The First in the Essential Oils Series Jan 04, 2024

If you ever happen to summer in the south of France, amidst the allure of its captivating beaches, a visit to Provence becomes an enchanting necessity. Among the must-see wonders lies the Valensole...

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The Gifts of the Season: Health and Happiness Dec 28, 2023

As this year draws to a close, and as we anticipate the promise and potential of the new year ahead, it is almost inevitable that we will gather with friends and family to celebrate.  For most...

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Broccoli: A Health Marvel Waiting to Unfold Dec 21, 2023

Broccoli, a beloved cruciferous vegetable, has long been celebrated for its nutritional prowess, packed with vitamins and minerals contributing to our overall health. But did you know that a simple...

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Grounding Ourselves: A Part of Azoki's Big Impact Series Dec 14, 2023

Grounding Ourselves 

The many COP28 headlines we’ve seen recently should have us all thinking a little more about the health and beauty of our gorgeous planet, Earth. Unfortunately,...

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The What, Why, and Wow of Creatine Dec 07, 2023

Like many others, I had misconceptions about creatine supplementation. The idea that it was exclusively for heavyweight lifters or that it could cause kidney damage if I didn't chug gallons of...

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