Lessons from the Lab

Building and Maintaining Your Travel Resilience Aug 08, 2024


This blog offers a variety of suggestions for avoiding illness during your holiday.  But let me offer a caveat before we start.   Some of the tips I offer up need to be considered...

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Fantastic Fibre Aug 01, 2024


Did you know that fewer than five percent (5%) of Americans eat the recommended minimum daily intake of fibre?  Fibre-deficiency perhaps the most widespread nutritional deficiency in...

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Seeing Clearly Jul 25, 2024


So many of us have problems with our eyes!  The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about one-quarter of the world’s population, some 2.2 billion people suffer from...

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This Thing with Gluten . . . Jul 18, 2024

I know alot of people have a tough time understanding this gluten-free movement spreading around the world.   I certainly did. There are so many gluten-free options in the supermarkets and so...

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Microneedling and Other Traumas Jul 11, 2024


As suggested by the title, this week’s blog is about the incredible aesthetic benefits of microneedling; however, it is also, more largely, about the power of hormesis.   


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Managing Through Brain Fog Jul 04, 2024

It was just about ten years ago that I began to panic about going senile.  At the time, my mother was falling clearly and deeply into Alzheimer’s and had finally been checked into to a...

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No Smoking: Insights and How Tos Jun 27, 2024

Perhaps you all saw the Instagram post I shared recently, counting down the most impactful lifestyle changes I have ever made. I’ve been asked about what things have really mattered to me...

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About HRT & Oestrogen Jun 20, 2024

I recently shared a social media post in which I identified hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) as one of the most profound therapies I have ever used. But I have been roundly scolded for it. Many,...

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Five Reasons We Should All Take A Cooking Class Jun 13, 2024

The number of global deaths from chronic illness - or non communicable diseases, as the World Health Organization (WHO) calls them - keeps rising.  In 2018, chronic illness caused about 39m...

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Taking Stock:  How is your Health? Jun 06, 2024

There’s no question that our health often takes a back seat to busy schedules and pressing responsibilities.  I am a regenerative health advocate, coach, and educator and my health gets...

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Building a Wellness Mindset May 30, 2024


I’ve written a lot in this blog about the power of mindset, especially for healing.  That’s because I believe that mindset matters deeply for our well-being.  There are...

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About Wearables and Wellness Apps and Measures that Matter May 24, 2024

This blog is ostensibly about health wearables and apps AGAIN. It seems that I write a lot on this subject. Why? Because I truly believe that for many people, the motivation to invest in...

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