Grounding Ourselves: A Part of Azoki's Big Impact Series

Dec 14, 2023

Grounding Ourselves 

The many COP28 headlines we’ve seen recently should have us all thinking a little more about the health and beauty of our gorgeous planet, Earth. Unfortunately, while I’m a staunch advocate of regenerative lifestyles, I must admit that I don’t think about planetary health often enough. Truthfully, how often do you think about our planet or even our local ecosystem? If you’re like me, probably not often enough. Too many of us are disconnected from nature. Those of us living in dense urban neighbourhoods are far more likely to be thinking about traffic, and parking spaces, and malls than about the birds in the trees or what type of palm tree that is outside the front door.

Unfortunately, this detachment from the earth isn’t good for either our physical and mental well-being. Thankfully, there is a simple and natural remedy known as earthing (or grounding) that can help restore our well-being and return some ‘balance’ to our lives. This practice involves connecting with the Earth's energy by physically touching the ground and its benefits are finally gaining serious recognition in medical research.

But what is this grounding? It is the practice of making direct physical contact with the Earth, our planet, whether it's by walking barefoot on natural surfaces like soil, grass, or sand, or by using grounding products designed for indoor use. The concept is rooted in the idea that the Earth carries a natural, subtle electrical charge that can be absorbed through the skin, promoting a variety of health benefits. A recent article in Biomedical Journal asserts that ‘(m)edical studies are revealing that . . . , through grounding, the human body enters a profound healing state.' Of course, the science of earthing is still in its infancy. Nonetheless, there is growing evidence to support its numerous benefits. When we make direct contact with the Earth, the skin acts as a conduit for the transfer of electrons from the Earth to our bodies. This process is thought to reduce inflammation, neutralise harmful free radicals, and balance the body's energy, for example. Below, I offer a bit more insight into the benefits of kicking off your shoes and getting your feet into some sand a little more often.

Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases. Earthing has been shown to reduce inflammation by neutralising excess free radicals and promoting a balanced immune response. It can help alleviate symptoms of conditions such as arthritis, allergies, and autoimmune disorders.

Improved Sleep: Many people report better sleep quality when they practice earthing. This is believed to be due to the calming effect of grounding, which helps regulate the body's circadian rhythms and reduce stress and anxiety.

Stress Reduction: Grounding has a calming effect on the nervous system, raising heart rate variability, and helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Grounding also seems to improve mood and mental well-being, making it an excellent natural remedy for mental health concerns.

Better Immune Function: Regular earthing is believed to enhance the body's natural ability to defend against pathogens and promote overall immune system health.

Pain Relief: Grounding may alleviate pain associated with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and back pain. It can help reduce the perception of pain and improve overall comfort.

Improved Circulation: Earthing has been shown to support healthy blood flow and circulation, which can have a positive impact on cardiovascular health.

But how do we go about grounding ourselves? One of the simplest ways to practice earthing is by walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, soil, or sand. I often take a quick walk on the beach near my home. It’s a 15 minute commitment that I try to make two or three times each week. Making time for a daily walk in a nearby park or garden is equally good.  BUT, of course, we need to take off our shoes.

If you don't have access to natural environments, you can use grounding products like earthing mats, sheets, or bands, which are designed to simulate the effects of connecting with the Earth's energy. There are commercial brands that seem readily available and certainly grounding products are used regularly in research studies, so I  imagine they work. I haven’t tested any myself however. I’m kinda into getting the treatment for free.

As I suggested above, the research in this area is still nascent. There’s not a lot but what there is seems to be reasonably well done and very encouraging. But, for me personally, grounding is without question a ‘Big Impact’ therapy. In fact, this is the first issue in what I’m calling our Big Impact blog series. We’re using the series simply to highlight some of the practices that Lana and I believe seriously work. We’re not suggesting that they’ll necessarily work for everyone but they work big time for us, or me, in this case.

I started grounding a few years ago after I watched a documentary on the subject. It seemed a nice way to get outside and spend a bit of time in nature, so I tried it. Interestingly, I lost about 1.5 kilos in the space of a few weeks with no real change in diet or exercise. That certainly piqued my interest. Of course, some six  months later my life had become busier and I wasn’t able to maintain the discipline. But something (I can’t remember what) inspired me to start again, and once again I lost weight. I’ve had the same experience a total of four times now: when I start grounding, I seem to lose weight. Why? I have no idea, but I like it. It’s just a little and I don’t maintain the weight loss for ever but I seem to keep it off for several months.
It’s nice to know that I might also be improving my blood flow and my immune function at the same time.

All in all, this earthing thing seems brilliant. It’s free. It gets us outside. It seems to improve our health and well-being. What’s not to love? There’s no question that incorporating earthing into our daily lives can be a natural, accessible way to restore balance in our increasingly tech-driven world. So, next time you have the opportunity, kick off your shoes and reconnect with the Earth's healing energy. Who knows? You might start thinking more about planetary health, or lose a kilo or two. :-)