Why We Do What We Do

Feb 20, 2023

Hello dear reader,

I’m writing to explain why Azoki exists, what we’re trying to do, and why. It’s pretty simple: Azoki is working to healthify our bodies and our world, starting right here with all of us in our beautiful UAE.  We’re an aspiring, high-impact company committed to helping the UAE, and the world, heal. We’re standing up for health.

Why? Because too many of us are sick. Too many of us are tired, stressed, depressed, or in pain.
The statistics are overwhelming, and they don’t apply just to the US or the ‘developed’ world.
Everywhere, we humans are struggling. Seventy-five percent of the world’s deaths each year are
from chronic diseases - like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune diseases - that
are mostly preventable. Indeed, the World Health Organization says that a full eighty per cent
(80%) of these deaths are preventable. We don’t have to die from these diseases. We’re not fated
to be on multiple prescription medicines. Our genes don’t condemn us to high blood pressure or
depression or diabetes. The new science of epigenetics tells us that genes simply create our
possibilities, and so importantly, we can influence our genes for the better.


With lifestyle. What determines the activity of our genes and whether we become ill or not
depends on what we do with our lives and what demands we put on our bodies. How we live our
life determines if our body works well or not.

So, you might think you’re living reasonably healthfully. Maybe you live kinda like everyone
else. That’s normal. But do we live as our bodies evolved to live?

At what time do you go to bed each night? When the sun goes down? What time do you get up
each morning? What do you eat for breakfast? Nuts & seeds and fruit? Or a bagel with coffee.
Do you exercise? Do you take time to relax? Visit friends? Play with your kids? Where do
you live and how clean is the air you breathe?

Our kids have figured out that something’s not right. They’re the ones driving the new surge in
mindfulness and yoga. It’s mostly Gen Zers and Millenials that are driving consumer interest in
‘impossible’ meats, alternative milks, gluten-free, low sugar, vegan, paleo, keto, and carnivore.
Thanks to the younger generation, these diets and ‘choices’ are becoming big business. And at
least some older people - like me - are jumping on the bandwagon. I think people like me are also being pushed by the growing evidence that living cleaner and more authentically will help us
not only cut back on the bloat but also live longer and feel more vibrant. Living clean beats

We at Azoki want to encourage this new health consciousness. We want more and more people -
of all ages - to begin ‘hacking’ their health, improving their lifestyles, feeling more vigorous and
strong. We’re working to ramp up the regenerative health movement here in the Middle East.
We’re working to propel a movement that helps us be our healthiest selves while also restoring
health to our planet. We can’t separate our health from that of the planet. The world is an
integrated biome: what we do to our world and planet, we do to ourselves.

We believe this deeply. And, so, we at Azoki are trying to create a new set of learning programs
and services that respect the holobiome in which we exist. We’re reaching out to anyone who
wants to feel better in their skin. We’re building learning programs to help you live everyday so
you can wake up feeling radiant. We’re going to teach you how to cook and how to garden, how
to nurture your microbiome and your sleep routines, how to breathe a bit more deeply, and how
to love yourself a little bit more. We’ve got coaching and all sorts of tech and app
recommendations. And, we have a whole community of people like you with whom you can

How is your health literacy now? How would you rank your self-care now? Are you loving
yourself hard enough? Do you - or can you - take time to invest in the lifestyle habits that will
support your body and mind? Too many of us don’t, or think we can’t. But Azoki can help.
You’re our motivation. We want to help you find your way forward to a new more vibrant,
energetic you. Azoki is standing up for your health. And the health of our planet. Stand with

Let’s all stand up for our health.

Yours in health, Sarah