What IS a Lifestyle Learning Lab?

Nov 02, 2023

You’ve heard the statistics.  Seventy-four percent of the world’s deaths each year are due to chronic illnesses, the vast majority of which are preventable.   Around the world, more than 7% of all children have been diagnosed with ADHD, about 1% have autism, and almost 20% of young people, aged 5 - 19  are obese or overweight.  Sadly,  the incidence of depression is also skyrocketing.   

In this environment, the emergence of lifestyle learning labs is nothing short of revolutionary.  If the Covid pandemic taught us nothing else, we now understand that our health and resilience are of paramount importance.  So, yes, all of us are thinking at least a bit more about how to bring more wellness into our lives.  But could a lifestyle learning lab really help you?   What exactly is a lifestyle learning lab, anyway?

Well, as I’ve said before, I think Azoki is the first lifestyle learning lab in the world.  So, I can only tell you what Azoki is and does and what I believe all lifestyle learning labs should do.   With that preface, I would argue that a lifestyle learning lab is a dynamic, supportive, and regeneratively-committed platform designed to empower individuals in their quest towards healthier, more sustainable living.   Azoki - and all of the other lifestyle learning labs that I believe will emerge - should serve as hubs of knowledge and support, helping people cultivate awareness, skills, and habits that not only benefit their personal well-being but also positively impact the planet we call home.

Imagine a place where you can spend a bit of time learning about the consequence of improved hydration or increased REM sleep.  Later, you could review the technology behind some new health-tech wearable or use Azoki’s guides to quickly build out your family’s dinner plans for the week.   Then, perhaps you’ll join a pilates or spin class, or maybe do a bit of guided meditation.  That’s a lifestyle learning lab. It's that space where the paths towards well-being and sustainability intersect.  They converge into a comprehensive approach that, at least for Azoki, encompasses four key pillars: sustainable eating, sleeping, moving, and mindfulness, with strong emphasis on the sustainability bit. 

Let’s break down what a lifestyle learning lab embodies or features:

  1. An emphasis on holistic health and wellness: Lifestyle learning labs are your go-to destinations for holistic health and wellness. They recognize that well-being extends far beyond the physical aspect and encompasses mental, emotional, and environmental health. By addressing these elements, these labs offer a complete well-being experience. 
  2. Lifelong learning: Learning is at the core of a lifestyle learning lab. It's not about quick fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, it's about fostering a lifelong commitment to self-improvement through education, skill development, and continuous growth.
  3. Empowerment through Tech: Lifestyle learning labs empower you to take control of your health and environmental impact. They provide the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to make informed choices, set and achieve goals, and ultimately lead a life of vitality.  Importantly, lifestyle learning labs also encourage the use of health-tech wearables.  With their in-the-moment measurement of our physiology, we can truly see ourselves and our bodies at work.  There’s no faking it when we have those wearables on. 
  4. Sustainable Living: These labs are staunch advocates of sustainability. They recognize that human health is inherently intertwined with the health of our planet. By promoting sustainable practices, they should guide individuals towards choices that benefit both personal and planetary well-being.  We call the result earth-loving wellness. 
  5. Community and Support: In a lifestyle learning lab, you're not alone on your journey. The communities surrounding our labs offer a sense of belonging, connection, and mutual encouragement. They're platforms where like-minded individuals come together to share experiences, challenges, and successes.  Indeed, we have learned from the pandemic that we need each other’s companionship and very presence for our health and well-being.  Together, we are stronger. 
  6. Actionable Strategies: The labs provide actionable, evidence-based strategies for each pillar of health. Whether it's learning how to prepare nutritious meals, practicing mindfulness techniques, or understanding sleep patterns, you're equipped with real-world knowledge and with routines that fit into your lifestyle.  Azoki places enormous emphasis on this.  We leverage the Tiny Habits behavioral change method that 
  7. Flexibility and Personalization: Recognizing that each person's path to well-being is unique, lifestyle learning labs offer flexibility and personalization. You have the freedom to tailor your journey based on your preferences, needs, and goals.
  8. Long-term Impact: The ultimate goal of a lifestyle learning lab is to foster lasting, positive change. It's not just about short-term transformations but about building a foundation for a vibrant, vital life that stands the test of time.

In conclusion, a lifestyle learning lab is not just a virtual or physical place; it's a mindset, a philosophy, and a commitment to a healthier, more sustainable way of living. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-empowerment that extends to the world we share. So, whether you're embarking on your wellness journey or looking to deepen your understanding of sustainability, consider exploring the offerings of a lifestyle learning lab. It's the gateway to a brighter, healthier, and more sustainable future.  

And, so yes, Azoki may be the world’s first but there’s no question there’s going to be alot of others pretty darn soon.  


Yours in Health & Happiness,
