Movement Beyond the Gym

Oct 12, 2023

In a world often dominated by images of perfectly sculpted bodies and high-intensity gym workouts, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that movement only counts if it takes place within the four walls of a fitness center. The allure of grueling sweat sessions and weightlifting can sometimes overshadow the remarkable benefits of the simplest form of exercise: walking.  Here's the truth:  movement doesn't need a membership card, and your journey towards better health isn't limited to gym walls. In fact, embracing everyday steps can revolutionise your well-being in ways you might not have imagined.

When Movement Becomes an All-or-Nothing Game

It's a scenario many of us have experienced: a busy day at work, unexpected commitments, or sheer fatigue can thwart our plans to hit the gym. As a result, we're left feeling like our efforts to stay active have been derailed, and a sense of guilt begins to creep in. This all-or-nothing mindset can be demoralizing, often leading to a cycle of frustration and ultimately, abandonment of our fitness goals. Am I right? 

But here's the truth: Every step you take, whether it's at the gym, fitness class or in the comfort of your own home, matters.

Discovering the Magic of Steps

It's time to shift our perspective and recognize that movement is a continuum. Every step you take, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to your overall health and well-being. In fact, the cumulative effect of these steps can have a profound impact on your physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Consider this – taking the stairs at work, parking far from the grocery store, walking your pet first thing in the morning and/or right after dinner, walking along the beach barefoot, watering your garden, tackling household chores like doing laundry and cleaning dishes, and even strolling while on the phone are all opportunities to move. These activities may not feel like traditional "exercise," but they are an integral part of the movement spectrum. The best part is you don’t need a coach or any equipment, just your body and an intention to rack up those steps!

Here are some of the reasons why we love walking as one of the ways to increase movement:

We’ve put together a menu of a number of steps for you to choose from: 

  • Grocery Shopping (Approximately 2,000-3,000 steps): Navigate the aisles of your local grocery store with intention. Pushing a cart, reaching for items, and walking from aisle to aisle collectively contribute to your step count. Bonus: carrying those bags back home provides an added resistance workout.
  • Cooking Culinary Creations (Approximately 1,500-2,000 steps): Become the master chef of your kitchen, experimenting with flavors and textures. As you prepare ingredients, move around, and orchestrate your culinary symphony, you're not only nourishing your body but also accumulating steps.
  • Chores at Home (Approximately 1,500-2,500 steps): Transform household chores into active endeavors. From folding laundry to organizing shelves, you'll find that these everyday tasks offer an unexpected opportunity to move and groove.
  • Playing with Pets (Approximately 2,000 to 5,000 steps): Engage in playtime with your furry companions. A game of fetch, a 45 minute to 1hr brisk walk with your dog, or even a few minutes of laser-pointer fun with your cat can translate into a playful workout that benefits both you and your pet.
  • DIY Projects (Approximately 1,500-2,500 steps): Embrace your inner handy-person and embark on DIY projects. Whether it's assembling furniture, painting a room, or crafting something unique, you're not only creating something beautiful but also boosting your step count.
  • Take the Stairs (Approximately 100-150 steps per flight): The next time you encounter a staircase, embrace the opportunity for a mini workout. Taking the stairs engages your leg muscles, boosts your heart rate, and gives you a satisfying sense of accomplishment.
  • Walk and Talk (Approximately 100-150 steps per minute): Transform mundane phone calls into productive, health-enhancing moments. Whether you're pacing around your living room or strolling outdoors, a walking conversation adds valuable steps to your daily total.
  • Park Farther Away (Approximately 100-200 steps per minute): Embrace a slight inconvenience for a substantial health boost. When you park farther away from your destination, you not only accumulate steps but also cultivate a mindful approach to movement.
  • Break Time Walks (Approximately 500-1,000 steps per 10 minutes): Step away from your desk during breaks and embark on a revitalizing walk. Not only will you recharge your energy, but you'll also contribute to your step count, fostering a healthy work-life balance.
  • Dance It Out (Approximately 2,000-3,000 steps in a 15-minute dance session): Turn your living room into a dance floor and let loose. Dancing is a joyful, rhythmic way to elevate your heart rate, boost your mood, and accumulate steps without feeling like you're exercising.

Start Your Step Revolution Today!


Yours in Health & Happiness,
