Cleaning Up the Clean Up Process: An Almost Effortless Blogpost

Oct 05, 2023


Almost Effortless is an Azoki blog series offering up simple ways to improve your health without significantly altering your lifestyle and habits.   Our recommendations should leave you feeling clean, lean, a tad more energetic, and perhaps a bit happier.  We think they’re worth a try.  


In our devotion to cleanliness, it's often easy to overlook the hidden toll that conventional cleaning products can exact on our health, on the environment, and on those who produce, and ultimately use them. Beneath the glossy labels and pleasant scents lies a complex web of risks and challenges, which should prompt us all to question the status quo and consider safer alternatives.  

But what are these risks and challenges?  

Many arise even in the manufacturing process itself.  Conventional cleaning products may promise a gleaming, sanitized home but their production often comes at the expense of production workers who are regularly exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals.  Sadly, worker safety often takes a back seat to cost-control and profit.  Improper working conditions and inadequate safety materials mean employees are frequently exposed to hazardous substances and poor working conditions.  And the costs to their health are real.  One recent study investigating the health of detergent factory workers in Palestine found that the lung capacity of these factory workers was notably reduced in comparison with ‘non-chemical’ workers.  

Also significant, of course, is the exposure of workers using these cleaning products in industrial contexts.  A European study published in 2014 in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health found that approximately  75% of cleaning supplies used by professional cleaners contained significant skin, eye, and airway irritants. A more recent piece published  by the US-based Environmental Working Group (EWG) suggests that professional cleaners have a 50% greater risk of developing asthma and a 43% greater risk of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.)  There is also evidence, suggests the EWG in the same article, that these cleaning products can impact our children, even in utero.  Children’s exposure to these chemicals is correlated with an increased risk of asthma and wheezing. 

But the risk clearly does not end with either the manufacturer, the user, or his/her children. The chemicals we wash down the drain when we dispose of our cleaning supplies  find their way into waterways, wreaking havoc on ecosystems and aquatic life. The environmental repercussions extend into sectors like agriculture and tourism, carrying economic consequences that resonate globally.

VOCs in your Home

But all of these concerns may seem somewhat distant from the everyday consumer.  Yes,  it's easy to dismiss the potential dangers of toxic cleaners in industrial contexts but the consequences of even everyday household cleaners can be concerning.  Many of the popular cleaning products found in normal supermarkets contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), whose use can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies.  The harsh chemicals in these cleaners can also wreak havoc on the skin, causing conditions like dermatitis and eczema. Some chemicals, such as phthalates and ammonia, are known allergens and can trigger new allergies or worsen existing ones. The long-term implications of this are a rapidly growing allergy epidemic. 

These VOCs aren’t just a little bit worrisome.  They’re alot worrisome.  According to the EWG,

VOCs in cleaning products affect the quality of air both indoors and outdoors. But they contaminate indoor air two to five times more than outdoor air, with some estimates putting it as high as 10 times more. Some products emit VOCs for days, weeks or even months. 

Clearly, toxic cleaners pose a real danger, and one that is cumulative over time.  Thankfully, there is much that we can do about it. 

The Alternative:  Clean, Green Products

Given the mounting evidence against our conventional cleaning products, it's reassuring to know that indeed there are safer and more responsible alternatives for all of us looking to maintain both a clean and a healthy home environment.   In short, what we need to be looking for are not just ‘green’ products but ‘fragrance free’ products.  That’s according to the same EWG study mentioned above.  In this study, EWG researchers tested a variety of conventional and ‘green’ cleaning products, including glass and multi-purpose cleaners, air fresheners, etc.  Almost all of the products - conventional and green -  released VOCs   However, some produced more than others.  Analyzing their data, the researchers concluded that: 

products labeled “green” emitted fewer VOCs, compared to conventional products – about half the number, on average. The green products categorized as “fragrance free” also produced the fewest VOC emissions – nearly eight times fewer than conventional and four times fewer than green products that included fragrance on their label. 

That pattern also held true for the number of VOCs considered hazardous in the products. The green products emitted just four chemicals classified as hazardous, on average, compared to about 15 in green products with fragrance and 22 for conventional products.

To summarise, unlike their toxic counterparts, non-toxic cleaning products contain fewer or no harmful VOCs.  Indeed, switching from the conventional to green, and preferably, fragrance free cleaners just might result in:

A Bit of Fresh Air.    By ditching the traditional stuff and trying some of the fragrance-free, ‘green’  products, you might significantly improve your indoor air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory issues in your friends and family.   

Smoother Skin.  The milder, natural ingredients found in non-toxic cleaners are also much less likely to cause skin irritations, sparing you the discomfort and inconvenience of dermatological issues. Fewer visits to the dermatologist translate to not only a healthier you but also cost savings.

Fewer and/or Less Severe Allergies.  By steering clear of harsh chemicals, non-toxic cleaning products can help reduce the risk of triggering allergies. This not only contributes to your overall well-being but also lessens your reliance on allergy-related medical expenses.

A Sense of Peace.  Knowing that your cleaning routine prioritizes the health and safety of your family can offer peace of mind. It allows you to focus on the things that truly matter without worrying about hidden health risks lurking in your home.

In the grand tapestry of life, of course, every choice we make carries significance. Embracing non-toxic cleaning products isn't merely a matter of personal health; it's a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of your entire family. But it also reflects a broader intent to protect the health of workers, and the environment.

As responsible consumers, our choices ripple outward, influencing industries and sparking change. By choosing non-toxic cleaning products, we become advocates for a healthier, more sustainable world—a world where clean living isn't just a personal choice but a collective effort to ensure a safer, brighter future for all.