The Life Changing Magic of Cooking

Oct 26, 2023

Cooking for me is more than just a chore or a means to satisfy hunger; it's a transformative journey that has the power to bring me joy, soothe my soul and on some difficult days, calm my anxious mind. I find solace in the art of cooking, it's my therapy, my meditation, and my sanctuary.

As I step into the kitchen, I leave behind the chaos of the world and immerse myself in a sensory symphony. Every moment becomes a mindful experience. I measure each ingredient with precision, feeling the textures, appreciating the colours, and marvelling at the diversity of flavours they promise. Chopping herbs or kneading dough, each action is a form of meditation, grounding me in the present. The sizzle of ingredients hitting the hot pan, the gentle crackling of the fire, and the rhythmic ticking of the timer guide me through the process. It's as though the kitchen itself whispers its secrets, teaching me the art of patience and presence.

The real magic happens when the aromas begin to meld and dance in the air. The fragrant blend of spices, herbs, and ingredients fills the room, evoking memories and emotions. Some scents transport me back to my childhood, where I spent countless hours cooking alongside my mother, absorbing her wisdom and love.

On the days I’m feeling creative, I allow myself to stray from the confines of a recipe I’ve created in order to enjoy the challenge of discovering another way the same dish can be prepared. Cooking empowers me to express myself in the way I choose to transform my ingredients, blending flavours in my marinades and vinaigrettes, sniffing out my spices with purposeful intent, and infusing dishes with bits and pieces of myself. This is when I find real solace, a beautiful connection and a therapeutic release for my emotions.

But nothing beats that sense of accomplishment that accompanies a well-cooked meal, especially when it’s coupled with compliments and smiles from the people you love. The ability to nourish myself, family and friends with wholesome, nutrient dense food doesn’t only give me a sense of purpose but also boosts my confidence in the kitchen. It starts by taking my teenage kids grocery shopping with me and teaching them how to handpick the firm cucumbers and apples; smell the baby pineapples; tell their parsley from their cilantro, choose the bright green avocados and then store them with their bananas. Show them what the true colour of sea caught shrimp looks like, how to choose grass-fed and finished beef and explain to them how Palestinian olive oil is the only type of oil our family has been cooking with for generations. 

When I spend time meal prepping for the day with my family, it gives me total control of the quality and the way I want to fuel our bodies, helping my kids meet their nutrition and fitness goals rather than have them gravitating towards the shelf of the less desirable snacks. It’s in our kitchens where we take charge of our health, embark on a journey of wellness, enhance our physical vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual fortitude. One deliciously satisfying dish at a time. 

It’s also where I enjoy embracing sustainable cooking practices, nothing goes to waste in my kitchen - vegetable trimmings go into a stock pot and leftovers can be turned into an entirely new meal. By choosing locally sourced and seasonal ingredients, recycling our meals, using our ugly produce and preventing food wastage, I believe that’s how we honour the earth's abundance. My aim every day is to tread as lightly as possible on the environment, practising gratitude for the abundance it provides.

The most important culmination of cooking a meal though doesn’t lie in the perfect presentation or the aromas that fill the air, but in the cherished moments when my family gathers around the dinner table. It's a sacred time when we put a halt to our day and come together, sharing not just good food but our stories, our triumphs and challenges. This precious ritual fosters a deep sense of connection, support, and understanding among us. Our kids, in particular, find their anchor in this nightly tradition, their schedules revolving around this end-of-day reunion. As we break bread together, we are not just nourishing our bodies but also weaving the tapestry of memories that will shape their lives, providing them with a stable foundation to face the world. 

So put on your apron, roll up your sleeves, turn on a little music to get into the mood, gather your ingredients, open your mind and heart and take part in this slow and sensual journey that we often rush through. If we all take the time to savour the process, it becomes an exquisite form of enjoyment. It's a reminder that life is not just about the destination but also about relishing the beautiful path that leads us there.