10 Reasons Why Real People Should Use Health Coaches

Nov 16, 2023


It might seem unlikely, but real people, like you and me, actually have the same physiology as movie stars, billionaires, and royalty.   To be healthy, we all have to move our bodies, eat healthfully, sleep well in a dark, peaceful spot, and manage the stress that life brings.   Yes, a few lucky people do have extraordinary genes and so only need 4 hours of sleep each night but there aren’t alot of those people.  

Most of the people in the world are just normal.   They eat too much and don’t exercise regularly.  They get really stressed and yell at their kids, and never get enough sleep to feel really good.  Maybe you're one of these 'normal' people.  I am.   So, if you thought that a health coach really isn’t for you, think again.  Actually, given that royalty, billionaires, and movie stars probably have more money than the rest of us and can get more help in the house, they probably need health coaches alot less than us.  We’re the ones who are trying to juggle the morning school dropoff, and that new boss  and a kid who seems to always get sick just as a new work deadline approaches.  We’re the ones who have to work full time and then figure out a way to get some slightly healthier groceries into the cupboards to keep our kids off the Deliveroo app.   We’re the ones who are trying to do it all on a limited budget. 

It’s not the special people who need health coaches.  It’s us! 

But wait a second, maybe I’m leaving a few people behind.  What exactly IS a health coach? 

Good question.   Health coaches are one of the newest health professionals to emerge within the global health industry.   The estimates vary wildly depending on which site you go to but the best estimate I can find suggests there are about 100,000 health coaches globally.   They’re helping physicians serve the billions of individuals who now have chronic illnesses, i.e., illness we can’t cure with just another round of antibiotics.  Generally, these chronic illnesses- which are responsible for about 75% of global deaths each year -  are brought about by the stresses and strains of modern life and can be resolved only with significant change in lifestyle and stress management.  

Clearly, these health coaches are the ones doing the heavy lifting, helping us figure out how to make the behavioral changes we need to make to feel better.  Perhaps a nicer way of saying this is that a health coach is a trained professional who empowers individuals to make positive, lasting changes in their health and well-being.  No, health coaches are NOT doctors - so they shouldn’t be prescribing medication or therapies, unless they’ve had specialized training.  Sometimes they’re also nutritionists, or dieticians.  Sometimes they’re chefs or fitness coaches.  But they’re all  advisors and guides who have been around the block and who can help you figure out new ways to get you what you need . . . like a better night’s sleep, or a way to better manage those mini-panic attacks you’ve been getting lately, or a slightly healthier lunch routine, or some clever way to drop those extra kilos. 

So here are those 10 reasons why you might want to use one.  In short, they can  help you . . .  

  1. Reverse or prevent a chronic illness. If you’re human and alive now, you probably have a chronic illness or are developing one.  Diabetes, high blood pressure, a gut disorder, a thyroid problem, infertility, low energy, migraines, anxiety or depression, hormonal issues . . .  there are so many issues that we have now.  It’s rare not to have something to worry about. 
  2. Learn to relax.   If you’re human and alive now, you probably have too much stress. . . of some sort.  Not all of us are having panic attacks but we are probably a bit too wound up.  That means we’re in the ‘flight or flight’ mode most of the time and not in the ‘rest and digest’ mode.  Our bodies can’t really do any serious healing until they get into that ‘rest and digest’ mode.  So, perhaps we could use a health coach to help us chill.  
  3. Create a PERSONALISED health plan.  Health coaches also understand that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to health and wellness. They tailor their advice to your unique needs, preferences, and goals. Whether you're looking to lose weight, manage stress, improve your nutrition, or adopt a more active lifestyle, a health coach can create a personalised plan that aligns with your aspirations.
  4. Stick with it!  Staying motivated and committed to your health goals can be challenging. A health coach serves as an accountability partner, helping you stay on track, celebrate your successes, and navigate setbacks. The consistent support and encouragement they provide can make a world of difference in your journey to better health.
  5. Stay up to Date:   Health coaches are well-trained and seriously make an effort to stay up with the latest health and wellness trends. They provide evidence-based information and guidance, ensuring you receive accurate and reliable advice. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your health.
  6. Overcome  Obstacles: Life can throw unexpected challenges your way, making it difficult to stick to your health goals. A health coach can help you identify and overcome obstacles, whether they are related to time management, stress, or lifestyle choices. They'll work with you to develop strategies for success.
  7. Create Lasting Change:  Fad diets and quick fixes often yield temporary results. Health coaches focus on sustainable, long-term changes that become a part of your daily life. They help you develop healthy habits that lead to lasting improvements in your well-being.
  8. Follow an Holistic Approach: Health coaches take a holistic approach to health and wellness. They consider not only your physical health but also your mental, emotional, and social well-being. This comprehensive approach addresses the root causes of health issues, promoting a balanced and thriving life.
  9. Keep you Motivated:   Building confidence in your ability to make healthy choices is key to achieving your wellness goals. Health coaches provide motivation and guidance that boost your self-assurance. As you see progress, your self-esteem grows, and you become more resilient in the face of challenges.
  10. Focus on YOU:   Health coaches provide ongoing support focused on you - not your spouse or your kids or your job.  Health coaching is about YOU, and about making it possible for you to adapt and evolve your health plan as needed. They're there to listen, adjust, and help you overcome obstacles, ensuring that your journey remains focused on your goals.

Truly, a good health coach goes beyond being a mere advisor; they are your partner in health and well-being. If you're looking for a way to take control of your health, make lasting changes, and build a healthier, happier life, a health coach could be the missing piece of the puzzle. With their personalized guidance, expertise, and unwavering support, you'll be better equipped to unlock your full potential and become the healthiest version of yourself. 

And you know, they’re not so expensive, especially if you do group coaching sessions!  No need to be a billionaire for that.  :-)


Yours in Health & Happiness,  
